(Posts filtered by hexagonal-architecture.)
More Testable Code with Hexagonal Architecture (Talk)
Video recording of my presentation to PhillyXP on how Separation of I/O Concerns makes code more testable.
hexagonal-architecturetestingvideoted talk February 21, 2023Ensembler Project Structure
How My Hexagonally Architected Projects are Structured.
hexagonal-architectureintellij-idea October 14, 2022Event Bus: Inside or Outside the Hexagon?
Where does a Message/Event Bus belong in Hexagonal Architecture?
discordhexagonal-architecture July 29, 2022Improving Perceived Performance, Hexagonally
In Hexagonal Architecture, who's responsible for running on a separate thread: the Outbound Adapter implementation, or the Application Services Layer that coordinates that work?
dev journalhexagonal-architectureports and adaptersensembler July 11, 2022Naming Conventions for DTOs
DTOs, DBOs, Views, Requests, and more
hexagonal-architecturediscord-questionsconventions October 30, 2021