Have fun learning about Test-Driven Development with JitterTed's TDD Game

Refactoring Tests

Video: Refactoring to Test Data Builders

refactoringlive-codingvideo October 31, 2021

Naming Conventions for DTOs

DTOs, DBOs, Views, Requests, and more

hexagonal-architecturediscord-questionsconventions October 30, 2021

Favorite IntelliJ IDEA Plugins

These are the plugins I always install after installing IntelliJ IDEA on a machine.

javaIntelliJ IDEAplugins April 21, 2021

Clarifying the Goal of Behavior Change

Predictive Test-Driven Development: Part 1

tddptdd March 5, 2021

Red-Green or Refactoring First?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The Refactor or the Failing test?

tdd February 27, 2021

(On page 4 of 5 articles.)

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