Have fun learning about Test-Driven Development with JitterTed's TDD Game

Removing a Feature is a Change in Behavior

How do you remove functionality from an application using TDD?

tdddiscord-questions July 21, 2022

Improving Perceived Performance, Hexagonally

In Hexagonal Architecture, who's responsible for running on a separate thread: the Outbound Adapter implementation, or the Application Services Layer that coordinates that work?

dev journalhexagonal-architectureports and adaptersensembler July 11, 2022

Tightening Our Assertions

Part 4 of the Predictive Test-Driven Development series: looking at the precision of assertions, as well as taking smaller steps when doing TDD.

ptddtddassertj June 22, 2022

Pardon the Clutter

Obligatory "new website" article about the work to consolidate my content into a single place.

website May 19, 2022

(On page 2 of 5 articles.)

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